Visitor Information & Resources
EOMC encourages appropriate participation of the patient’s designated family in accordance with the patient or guardian’s wishes, patient safety considerations and the medical condition of the patient.
Visitors will be educated regarding any special guidelines associated with visiting individual patients.
Infection Control
- No recent exposures or signs or symptoms of an infectious disease
- Patient isolation considerations
Patient Privacy
- At the request of patient no information will be released
- At the request of patient no visitors will be permitted
Patient Diet
- Check with Nurse prior to any offers of food or drink
Visitors can expect regular communication regarding the condition of their loved one. Consideration for safety, security and rest needs of the patient will be priority. Visitors wishing to remain in the hospital for extended periods will be provided resting quarters as space permits. Unit Supervisor or Hospital Coordinator will make arrangements per-request of family or RN Care Coordinator. Guest trays are available upon the request of the patient’s RN Coordinator.